Support Magnolia Tank Farm

Send a Support Letter to the City Council

I Support Magnolia Tank Farm

Send a message to the Mayor and City Council Members. Ask them to support bringing homes and the Lodge to the Magnolia Tank Farm in Huntington Beach.

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  • Support for much-needed tax revenue and jobs for Huntington Beach.

    Dear Mayor Van Der Mark:

    I am writing to express my support for approving the suggested modifications the CA Coastal Commission recently made to the city-approved Magnolia Tank Farm/Local Coastal Program Amendment.

    I am grateful to the City Council for approving the plans for the Magnolia Tank Farm community in January 2021. And, I hope this Council will continue the process of bringing this boost to our local economy closer to reality with a positive vote in the very near future.

    The transformation of this blighted property from its former use as an oil storage facility to a vibrant new mixed-use neighborhood will dramatically improve the aesthetics and value of the southeast area of the city – the southern gateway to our community.

    Redeveloping this property will result in a number of community and economic benefits. Adding a four-star lodge to the city’s existing inventory will bolster the city’s vital tourism industry. The proposed trails, parks, and restaurants will serve both new and existing residents.

    The development envisioned in the Tank Farm Specific Plan will also serve as an economic engine for the city. In these times when city governments are searching for an economic boost, approving projects like this one is crucial to bringing much-needed tax revenues and jobs to the city. All of this economic activity would be generated from a parcel of land that for the last fifty years has been an eyesore to the community while generating virtually no tax revenue. Now, this project stands to bring a half billion dollars of economic vitality to Huntington Beach.

    In closing, the mixed-use neighborhood proposed for the Tank Farm property will produce countless and very important benefits for the city – significant new tax revenue, quality housing, support for the wetlands, and hundreds of jobs for Huntington Beach residents. Thank you in advance for a vote of approval for the Coastal Commission’s suggested modifications bringing us one step closer to this new vibrant community for Surf City.

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