Press Release: Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy (HBWC) receives $10,000 donation from Shopoff Realty Investments
The Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy (HBWC) received a $10,000 donation from Shopoff Realty Investments to help fund efforts related to the recent oil spill off the coast of Huntington Beach.
Investigators say that the oil spill that has made national headlines over the last few weeks since its discovery was caused by a pipeline off the coast being displaced.
“We are appreciative of the ongoing partnership with Shopoff Realty Investments over the last several years. This latest contribution will help us with our cleanup efforts that will continue for the next several months,“ stated John Villa, Executive Director of the HBWC.
The HBWC will use the funds to cover initial clean up costs and hire a contractor to survey the wetlands and collect water, soil, plant, and animal samples of potential contaminated sites so we can build our own map of work which will be need to do in the coming weeks, months, years.
At the start of 2021, Shopoff secured approval from the Huntington Beach City Council for the Magnolia Tank Farm project, a visitor-serving mixed-use project, which will include approximately 250 single-family homes, a 215-room lodge, and public open space and trails linking the new development to the wetlands.
James O’Malley, Senior Vice President—Forward Planning at Shopoff Realty Investments, serves on the board of directors of the Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy. “Here at the Conservancy, our mission is to protect the wetlands and the wildlife it supports. This money will help us to accomplish our goals in protecting these vulnerable creatures during this difficult time,” stated O’Malley.
A major effort by Office of Spill Prevention and Recovery (OSPR), a division of California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) have already worked on removal of surface oil on the water, scrubbing pilings and walls of the inlet and of the riprap within Talbert Marsh. Additional work still needs to be performed along the other three bridges on our marshes, Brookhurst, Magnolia and Upper Magnolia, as well as in the marshes.
For more information on how to get involved with the Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy, visit our website at